Serving NJ
since 2006

Plan ◆ Pave ◆ Preserve

Reino Paving Services in NJ

Pavement Planning

Pavement management planning is methodical approach to managing budgets while extending the life cycle of your pavement.

After existing pavement has been evaluated a strategic pavement management plan is developed and outlined with digital mapping clarifying the communities plan of attack.

Planning before paving helps to meet budgets while preserving and extending the life cycle of the initial investment.

Milling and Paving

Milling and Paving is a removal and replacement process to dispose of existing failed asphalt followed by installation of a new layer.

The depth of milling and paving is dictated by the structure and integrity of the existing pavement surface and is the key to longevity.

resurfacing pavement


Resurfacing of pavement is performed when existing pavement surfaces are structurally sound.

The area is cleaned, and a new asphalt surfacing is installed over the existing surface.

Infrared Repair

Infrared repair is a seamless repair process with modern technology that helps restore failing areas limited in size.

infrared repair

Crack Filling

Crack sealing is the most cost-effective early preventative measure to prolong the life of your pavement.

Specialized material is poured into the crack to prevent the intrusion of water.

Seal Coating

Seal coating is essential in pavement preservation and extending the life of your asphalt pavement.

Slowing the deterioration rate of pavement improves the life cycle costs of your investment.

Sealer resists oxidation from the sun and keeps pavement flexible by sealing in the asphalt oils.

Line Striping

Well defined crosswalks and traffic lines ensure drivers and pedestrians safety by bringing awareness to traffic flow, stop signs and pedestrian areas.

Clearly defined parking areas and fire lanes as well as handicapped parking and access.

Emergency Repair

An emergency repair defines any roadway structure that requires an immediate repair.

An emergency repair is performed for safety reasons and sometimes so that traffic can pass through until the roadway can be properly shut down so the appropriate repairs can be made.

emergency repair
sink hole

Sink Holes

A sink hole is a cavity in the ground caused by water erosion which provided a route for surface water to disappear underground.

A sink hole will fall into an emergency repair category.

Sometimes a temporary immediate repair is necessary for safety until it can be properly addressed.

Concrete Work

Concrete work consists of any and all types of concrete repairs and or installations.

Curbs, sidewalks, large pads, foundations, catch basins etc.

concrete work
catch basin repair

Catch Basins

The Structure within a stormwater system, that consists of structures and pipes that collect stormwater and accumulates this water for distribution through the piping system.

Normally the catch basin is capped with an open grate that allows water to enter the basin.

The purpose of the catch basin is to control the amount of water runoff on impervious surfaces.


Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of a surfaces water and subsurface water from an area through a system of pipes and collection points.

Snow Management

In the worst of storms, Reino Paving ensures that snow does not interfere with your customer’s ability to park in safe and clear parking lots.

Our Mission

“To create an unparalleled customer experience while assuring
absolute certainty through our Plan, Pave, Preserve approach”

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